Grove City Taco Inc – Fiesta Tacos and Beer – Payroll Week 18

Grove City Taco Inc – Fiesta Tacos and Beer – Payroll Week 18
Start Date
August 19, 2024
End Date
September 1, 2024
Name Position Hours Overtime CC Tips Owed Cash Tips Rcvd Notes
Kimberly Maily Coral Macas – 12.00 KIT 59.40
Marcelino Diaz Lopez – 12.00 KIT 80
Pedro Lopez – 12.00 KIT
Petrona Meza Luna – 12.00 KIT
Fernanda Castillo – 160 Day MGR 11
Alejandra Rodriguez ser 18.75 377
Fernanda Hernandez SER 74 1169
Guadalupe De Jesus Cazares Valdez SER 15.35 211
Janeth Munoz SER 54 1087
Maria Ruelas SER
Mariah Sankey SER 58 1502
Rogelio Alvarez Sr SER 25 910
Stephanie Mesa SER 30 794
Johanna Medina 13 host 15.37 23
Edel Gutierrez – 12.00 SS 80
W Javier Bastias – 12.00 SS 56
Kimberly maily coral macas 12 ss 59.40
Alicia Diaz 12 ss 50.25